NJ , 招聘 销售, 仓库 Cooler depot 餐馆设备
销售商业冰箱,在Facebook Marketplace offerup网站上,已经运行多年。总部在洛杉矶。有人培训。底薪加3%提成=大约30-60美金一个小时。 上班时间9:30-5:30中午休息1小时,周一到周五。(办公室工作,不是在家工作)WHO WE ARE: Founded in 2015 and located at San Gabriel Valley, California,website: www.coolerdepotusa.comWe sale commercial restaurant and bakery equipment , we import 400-500 containers every year from China, we sale onamazon Ebayright now we have 20 sales representative in the retail market..What we're looking for:
online wholesale representative,sale on facebook,Costco,Sams A .... big company.
What you must have:
Online Sales Experience Important notice: office work, not remote workWhat we Pay Rate: basic salary + 3% Commission=($30-60/hour) 大盛餐馆设备招一名仓库师傅,必须有开叉车经验,叉车证,有合法工作身份,身体好,有些需要手动卸货,能搬动70lbs。有加班要求。$24/小时,外加卸柜补贴。 周一到周五早9:00-18:00.中午休息30分钟吃饭。周六上午9点到下午1点 Address:60 Page Rd, Clifton, NJ 07012电话:(908) 468-6039 Jason,626-320-0106 victorEmail:zhang26110#gmail.com
website www.coolerdepotusa.com