PolarOnyx ( www.polaronyx.com;Chapel Hill, NC) is a laser-based 3D printing company. At our fast-growingbusiness, we have multiple full-time engineering and technician positions. Ifinterested, please send your resume to [email protected]. General requirements: - No prior industry experience is required, butyou must have a good work ethic and attitude, attention to detail, andself-motivation. - Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Engineer: - BS, MS, or PhD in engineering, physics, orchemistry - Some knowledge or skills of o Mechanisms in 3D printing process o Optics, laser, and material processing o Precision control of motorized stages o SOLIDWORKS o Thermodynamics and heat transfer o Automation and robotics o Critical thinking Technician: - At least a high-school diploma - Capable of using Microsoft Office - Good at following instructions - Hourly rate: $20-25
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